Site Review


PornTotal is one of the best curators of porn on the web. This site comes with an app that makes browsing porn so easily. And you will browse only the porn worth watching. Once you find a video through the app, you can easily stream it on your phone, or you can cast it to your smart TV. Browsing porn and watching it on the big screen has never been easier. On top of that, the time you spend in the PornTotal app will never be spoiled by ads.

The collection that comes to you through this app is massive. The focus throughout it is on independent porn creators. Solo babes and real couples who love doing porn are the base of this library. That doesn’t mean you won’t get real porn stars, as well. The list of kinks and categories is also massive, ready to please even the dirtiest desires you might have. With easy-to-use and efficient browsing features, this app will help you find the right content for a good wank in no time. Explore the world of porn through your phone with ease and no annoying pop-ups.


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